Two smart locks palced to the entrance door of the shared house: Sesame mini.
Originally it was developed by a Stanford student for his own home use. It achieved $1.4million (1,428%) in one month at the popular crowdfunding “Kickstarter” in the US.
Also,pre-order sales of “SESAME mini” (improved to Japanese specifications) were placed crowdfunding “Makuake” in Japan. It achieved the third highest support amount of $1million (10,000%) in 1.5 months. Quite supported brand by people.
Even if you don’t have a key, you can unlock it by your mobile phone (cardkeys can be used,too).
It has roburst security adopting currently the strongest encryption system with the military level. It would require to place a room-sized supercomputer in front of the door and work on for several years to break through. It’s faster for a thief to physically break the door:). Even though the house locates in a quiet residential area, it is a nice relief for female tenants:).
What Sesame mini can do↓
A mail arrived to notify “advance release of upgrade version” before Christmas. Upgrade one looks even more convenient, such as ” no need to launch the mobile app when unlocking”. I am looking forward to shipping of the end of January next year for Flat Bolero Jodoji. Of note, they say the first reservation of 5,000 units was sold out in 2 days.
A video of the freshly made Sesame 3 at factory attached to the Christmas email from the founder Jeming-san. ↓
Taiwan, where the factory is located, is also Jeming’s home country, so I think he had a relaxing Christmas with his family/relatives. Have a good new year, too.
※The name of the bicycle smart lock introduced together with Sesame 3 is “Mama-chari”(granny’s bike). Jeming-san used to live in Osaka for about two years before going to the US. .. The sense of naming seems to be Osaka taste lol.