Shared House

Lovely Christmas Decorations 2022

The autumn foliage season is over, and Christmas decorations can be seen in town.

A resident who likes interior decorations made a wonderful Christmas decoration for the house💗

The living room is now in the Christmas mood.

This year, “WITH COVID”, it looks like it’s going to be a lively and warm Christmas.

If you dim the lights a little, the illuminations decorated in various places in the living room. So lovely. The fireplace scene on the TV and the chic Christmas songs create a relaxing space.

A house Christmas tree is also placed. A tree was brought from a charity bazaar by a resident three years ago. Originally, it was a chic tree with only white lights. I added some ornaments, it became a little more fancy tree.

This year’s Christmas sweets are an assortment of GODIVA’s Masterpiece/Neapolitan. Please take a small bag with your name on Christmas morning. Enjoy it 💗



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